Golden Hands 70s fashion illustrations Anna Kostal

Golden Hands fashion drawing

Whenever I'm flicking through my 70s Golden Hands craft books and partworks magazines which, let's face it, is quite often, drawings by one particular illustrator always catch my eye.

Anna Kostal Golden Hands 70s fashion illustration

Her name is Anna Kostal and she's credited in issues of the publication dated 1972-1973, but that is all I can find out about her.

Anna Kostal Golden Hands 1970s fashion illustration

As well as loving all the clothes, accessories and hairdos she chose to illustrate, I also adore the style of the drawings, the movement and interaction between the figures – but mainly the attention to detail.

Anna Kostal Golden Hands 70s fashion illustrator

I know that when you're illustrating stitching techniques for craft books and such like, it's essential to emphasise the details – but this lady has really gone to town. For instance, can you spot the heart-arrow brooch in the 'collars' picture below? Nice!

Anna Kostal Golden Hands Illustration

I also really like her use of colour for the main articles of clothing and black and white for all the rest.

Anna Kostal 70s fashion illustrator Golden Hands

I mean, checked shirts, tweedy skirts, capes, chunky tights with sandals, sailor collars, clogs, pockets on everything... what's not to like?!

In fact I loved these drawings so much that when I recently found a duplicate copy of Golden Hands magazine, I carefully removed the Anna Kostal pages and had the images framed, and they now adorn my landing wall just outside my bedroom!

anna postal Golden Hands fashion illustration 70s

I actually stumbled upon another couple of Anna Kostal drawings in a 1978 book called The Encyclopaedia of Advanced Dressmaking...

Anna Kostal 70s fashion illustrations

She isn't even credited but these artworks are clearly by her. I think they'd been reproduced from Golden Hands...

Anna Kostal 70s fashion illustrations

I'd love to know what happened to this brilliant artist after the Golden Hands 1972-1973 heyday, whether she carried on drawing and where she is now. Anna Kostal, if you are out there, I hope you are still doing what you do best!

Of course, 70s craft books are one of my major influences - like Anna Kostal I put pockets on almost everything and I love a feature collar...


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